Create a purchase order
Examples are for Verotel FlexPay PHP client library
$brand = Verotel\FlexPay\Brand::create_from_merchant_id(/* Your customer ID */ '9804000000000000');
$flexpayClient = new Verotel\FlexPay\Client(/* shop ID */ 12345, "FlexPay Signature Key", $brand);
$purchaseUrl = $flexpayClient->get_purchase_URL([
"priceAmount" => 2.64,
"priceCurrency" => "EUR",
"description" => "Test purchase",
Examples are for FlexPay Java client library
FlexPayClient flexPayClient = new FlexPayClient(
685478, // shop ID / website ID
"d6dToIj2d6YJ1PX2D1W9", // FlexPay signatureKey
URL purchaseUrl = flexPayClient.purchaseBuilder()
.withAmount(BigDecimal.valueOf(14), SaleCurrency.EUR)
.withDescription("Purchase of foo")
FlexPay purchase call is used to redirect buyer to the Verotel Order Page in order to process the purchase sale.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
version | Number | mandatory | version version of the FlexPay call, 4 for this version |
shopID | Number | mandatory | numerical ID of the website in the Verotel system |
type | String | mandatory | purchase |
priceAmount | Number | mandatory | priceAmount amount to be processed in nnn.nn format |
priceCurrency | String | mandatory | priceCurrency 3 char ISO code, must be one of the Sale currencies (USD EUR GBP AUD CAD CHF DKK NOK SEK ) NOTE: only EUR is can be used for DDEU payment method system |
description | String | mandatory | description of the product. Text is displayed on the order page - max 100 printable characters |
paymentMethod | String | optional | payment method, CC , YOURSAFE_DIRECT or, DDEU (if not set then buyers can choose from available payment methods) NOTE: DDEU is available only in DE, AT, CH, BE, IT, NL, ES and FR If oneClickToken is sent, the payment method must be set to CC . When processing without Orderpage, IDEAL must be set. |
referenceID | String | optional | merchant's reference identifier. It must be unique if provided |
custom1 | String | optional | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom2 | String | optional | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom3 | String | optional | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
successURL | String | optional | URL for redirect after successful transaction - max 255 characters. Defaults to success landing URL on the website. |
declineURL | String | optional | URL for redirect after declined transaction - max 255 characters. Defaults to decline landing URL on the website. |
oneClickToken | String | optional | the one-time oneClickToken from previous purchase NOTE: oneClickToken is excluded from signature calculations |
String | optional | email of the buyer. If not set, it will be collected on the Order Page NOTE: email is excluded from signature calculations (max 100 chars else it will be ignored) |
signature | String | mandatory | Signature calculation |
Success redirect
After a successful transaction the buyer is redirected to one of these:
- The default website Flexpay success URL (Setup in Control Center/Setup Websites/Website detail/FlexPay Options)
- The URL set in
Flexpay parameter – overrides the website Flexpay success URL
Parameter | Type | Description |
shopID | Number | numerical ID of the website in the Verotel system |
type | String | purchase |
referenceID | String | merchant reference identifier. It must be unique if provided |
saleID | Number | identifier of the sale in the Verotel system |
priceAmount | Number | amount to be processed in nnn.nn format |
priceCurrency | String | 3 char ISO code of the Sale currency |
custom1 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom2 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom3 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
paymentMethod | String | payment method, CC , YOURSAFE_DIRECT , DDEU |
signature | String | Signature calculation |
Examples are for Verotel FlexPay PHP client library
$brand = Verotel\FlexPay\Brand::create_from_merchant_id(/* Your customer ID */ '9804000000000000');
$flexpayClient = new Verotel\FlexPay\Client(/* shop ID */ 12345, "FlexPay Signature Key", $brand);
if (!$flexpayClient->validate_signature($_GET)){
echo "ERROR - Invalid signature!";
// handle correct postback
echo "OK";
Examples are for FlexPay Java client library
// pass GET params received in postback
Boolean paramsAreVerified = flexPayClient.validateSignature(Map.of(...));
After every sale or transaction based action a corresponding postback is sent to the registered Postback URL.
Postback data are sent as GET request.
Verifying postback
As a security measure postback have to be validated that it contains correctly computed Signature
Responding to postback
Important: The Verotel system expects HTTP status code 200 and plain text "OK" response. The response must be returned within 30 seconds.
Success postback
The successful sale postback is sent to the website "Flexpay postback URL" immediately after the sale has been processed. The postback is sent only for successfully approved transactions. The data in the postback provide essential information about the sale. If more information is needed, for example billing address or email address of the buyer, the merchant should query the status page.
Important: The Verotel system expects HTTP status code 200 and plain text "OK" response. The response must be returned within 30 seconds.
Parameter | Type | Description |
shopID | Number | numerical ID of the website in the Verotel system |
type | String | purchase |
referenceID | String | merchant reference identifier. It must be unique if provided |
saleID | Number | identifier of the sale in the Verotel system |
transactionID | Number | identifier of the transaction in the Verotel system (only avaible for postbacks version 2) |
priceAmount | Number | amount to be processed in nnn.nn format |
priceCurrency | String | 3 char ISO code of the Sale currency |
custom1 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom2 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom3 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
paymentMethod | String | payment method, CC , YOURSAFE_DIRECT , DDEU |
oneClickToken | String | if the feature is enabled - oneClickToken valid for next purchase |
signature | String | Signature calculation |
truncatedPAN | String | Truncated (masked) payment instrument identification, e.g. card number |
CCBrand | String | Only present if paid via Credit Card, represents the card brand, e.g. VISA |
Credit postback
Credit postback call is sent to the merchant's postback URL when the sale transaction is credited by merchant, Verotel support or by system (e.g. when an automated refund is performed).
Parameter | Type | Description |
shopID | Number | numerical ID of the website in the Verotel system |
event | String | credit |
referenceID | String | merchant reference identifier. It must be unique if provided |
saleID | Number | identifier of the sale in the Verotel system |
priceAmount | Number | amount of refunded transaction |
priceCurrency | String | refunded transaction currency |
transactionID | Number | transaction id of credit transaction |
parentID | Number | transaction id of transaction which was credited |
type | String | purchase |
custom1 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom2 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom3 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
signature | String | Signature calculation |
Chargeback postback
Chargeback postback call is sent to the merchant's postback URL when sale transaction is chargebacked. This also blacklists the buyer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
shopID | Number | numerical ID of the website in the Verotel system |
event | String | chargeback |
referenceID | String | merchant reference identifier. It must be unique if provided |
saleID | Number | identifier of the sale in the Verotel system |
priceAmount | Number | amount of chargebacked transaction |
priceCurrency | String | chargebacked transaction currency |
transactionID | Number | transaction id of credit transaction |
parentID | Number | transaction id of transaction which was credited |
type | String | purchase |
custom1 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom2 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
custom3 | String | pass-through variable - max 255 printable characters |
signature | String | Signature calculation |
Status page request
Examples are for Verotel FlexPay PHP client library
Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml package used to parse status page. Packagist
$brand = Verotel\FlexPay\Brand::create_from_merchant_id(/* Your customer ID */ '9804000000000000');
$flexpayClient = new Verotel\FlexPay\Client(/* shop ID */ 12345, "FlexPay Signature Key", $brand);
$statusURL = $flexpayClient->get_status_URL(['saleID' => 123456]);
$statusPageData = Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($statusURL));
// handle data fetched from status page
Examples are for FlexPay Java client library
URL statusUrl = flexPayClient.getStatusUrlBySale(1234);
A status of a sale made with a FlexPay API can be reviewed by querying the status page. Status page provides complete information about the sale, the buyer, and its status.
HTTP request
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
version | Number | 4 |
shopID | Number | numerical ID of the website in the Verotel system |
referenceID | String | Merchant's reference identifier if provided (referenceID OR saleID must be posted - NOT BOTH) |
saleID | Number | Verotel saleID identifier (referenceID OR saleID must be posted - NOT BOTH) |
signature | String | Signature calculation |
Parameter | Description |
response | FOUND - purchase record found and returned NOTFOUND - purchase not found ERROR - error (see 'error' key) |
error | message (for response=ERROR ) |
saleID | identifier of the transaction in Verotel System |
shopID | ID of website in Verotel system |
paymentMethod | an identifier of payment method that was used for the transaction. Can be one of following: Credit Card or Direct Debit EU |
priceAmount | amount processed. in nnn.nn formatt |
priceCurrency | 3 char ISO code of the Sale currency |
description | Product description text - max 100 printable characters |
referenceID | Merchant reference identifier - max 100 printable characters |
name | name of the buyer |
email address of the buyer | |
country | selected or detected country ISO code (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code) |
oneClickToken | If the feature is enabled - Currently valid oneClickToken |
createdOn | Timestamp of purchase creation |
saleResult | purchase processing result (APPROVED) |
billingAddr_fullName | billing address: full name field value |
billingAddr_company | billing address: company field value |
billingAddr_addressLine1 | billing address: 1st line field value |
billingAddr_addressLine2 | billing address: 2nd line field value |
billingAddr_city | billing address: city name |
billingAddr_zip | billing address: zip code / postal code |
billingAddr_state | billing address: US state code (ISO 3166-2) |
billingAddr_country | billing address: country ISO code (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code) |
One Click Purchase
The One Click functionality allows buyers to pay instantly without any type of confirmation. The instant One Click will try to charge their previously saved credit card without the need to re-enter the CVV code or any other additional information. This allows the FlexPay purchase sales to be processed quickly without distracting the buyer unnecessarily.
The One Click functionality has been designed to be as secure as possible to minimize any risks of misuse and to protect both merchants and buyers alike. The same fraud prevention measures apply as per standard Order Page interactions.
Enabling the One Click
The One Click feature is disabled by default and is a subject of approval by Verotel. Please contact to enquire. This document assumes the feature is enabled.
- In case the Order Page requires the buyers to enter their billing address, the full order page is displayed.
Initial sale
In order to charge the buyer again with One Click the "oneClickToken" is required.
The token is generated with the first successful sale (normal FlexPay purchase sale with full Order Page interaction initiated by "purchase order" request) when the buyer chooses to "Remember my card for future purchases".
The Successful sale postback returns the "oneClickToken" to merchant’s system.
One Click sale
Examples are for Verotel FlexPay PHP client library
$brand = Verotel\FlexPay\Brand::create_from_merchant_id(/* Your customer ID */ '9804000000000000');
$flexpayClient = new Verotel\FlexPay\Client(/* shop ID */ 12345, "FlexPay Signature Key", $brand);
$purchaseUrl = $flexpayClient->get_purchase_URL([
"priceAmount" => 2.64,
"priceCurrency" => "EUR",
"description" => "Test purchase",
"oneClickToken" => "1FD5F342-48DB-11E6-B445-A19150BFB283"
Examples are for FlexPay Java client library
URL purchaseUrl = flexPayClient.purchaseBuilder()
.withAmount(BigDecimal.valueOf(14), SaleCurrency.EUR)
.withDescription("Purchase of foo")
To perform a One Click sale, the currently active token has to be included in the next "purchase order" request.
If the token is valid, the "purchase order" request is processed without any further buyer interaction.
If the order is approved, the buyer receives a standard receipt email, an approval page is displayed and the buyer is redirected to one of these:
- The default website Flexpay success URL (Setup in Control Center/Setup Websites/Website detail/FlexPay Options)
- The URL set in successURL Flexpay parameter – overrides the website Flexpay success URL
The new valid "oneClickToken" is passed with the Successful sale postback call to the merchant’s system for use in the next sale.
Validity of the oneClickToken
- The "oneClickToken" can be only be used once. It is invalidated in case the transaction is either approved or declined.
This means that the merchant’s system has to manage storage and update the active tokens for users upon receiving Successful sale postback calls but also in case of declines. A user can be identified by e.g. custom1-3 fields or referenceID passed by the merchant’s system in the "purchase order" request and returned in the Successful sale postback.
The "oneClickToken" expires automatically after 30 days. The buyer will need to enter CVV code to generate a new one and to resume the One Click functionality.
The "oneClickToken" is linked to a website and to the buyer’s remembered card information stored in the form of a cookie in the browser.
This means that:
- the token is not valid for other websites
- the token will not work in case the buyer uses a different browser
- the token expires if the buyer chooses to forget the stored card
Signature calculation
Examples are for Verotel FlexPay PHP client library
$brand = Verotel\FlexPay\Brand::create_from_merchant_id(/* Your customer ID */ '9804000000000000');
$flexpayClient = new Verotel\FlexPay\Client(/* shop ID */ 12345, "FlexPay Signature Key", $brand);
$computed_signature = $flexpayClient->get_signature([
'description' => 'Super video download',
'priceAmount' => '9.99',
'priceCurrency' => 'USD',
'shopID' => 12345,
'version' => 4,
Examples are for FlexPay Java client library
String computedSignature = flexpayClient.getSignature(Map.of(
"description", "Super video download",
"priceAmount", "9.99",
"priceCurrency", "USD",
"shopID", 12345,
"version", 4
If you are using one of our client libraries, signature calculation is handled by the library.
The signature used in FlexPay requests and postbacks is calculated as SHA-256 hash (hexadecimal output) from the request parameters.
The first parameter has to be your signatureKey, followed by the parameters ordered alphabetically by their names.
Optional arguments that are used (have value) must be contained in the signature calculation. Optional arguments that are not used must not be contained in the signature calculation.
The email parameter in "startorder" request is not included in the signature calculations.
It is mandatory to convert arguments values into UTF-8 before computing the signature.
signature = sha256_hex( signatureKey + ":description=" + description + ":period=" + period +
":priceAmount=" + priceAmount + ":priceCurrency=" + priceCurrency + ":referenceID=" +
referenceID + ":shopID=" + shopID + ":subscriptionType=" + subscriptionType + ":type=" + type +
":version=" + version )
Example calculation
Parameter | Value |
(signatureKey) | BddJxtUBkDgFB9kj7Zwguxde4gAqha |
description | Super video download |
priceAmount | 9.99 |
priceCurrency | USD |
custom1 | xxyyzz |
shopID | 64233 |
type | purchase |
version | 4 |
Signature calculation using the values above
signature = sha256_hex(BddJxtUBkDgFB9kj7Zwguxde4gAqha:custom1=xxyyzz:description=Super video download:priceAmount=9.99:priceCurrency=USD:shopID=64233:type=purchase:version=4) => ccaf2357fe330654322a1b0f3f92984b3fe2a1462d6fc5082650a00c5ada2f2a
The FlexPay purchase request then is
Payment processor
Processor name | Allowed payment method | Base URL |
Verotel | CC DDEU | |
CardBilling | CC | |
Bill | CC DDEU | |
GayCharge | CC DDEU | |
YoursafeDirect | DDEU YOURSAFE_DIRECT | |